Tuesday 3 December 2013

December 2013: Dipped bees wax candles

Probably the most eagerly awaited social event of the year!  Our evening of mince pies, mead and making dipped wax candles.

We started with some careful preparation, breaking up the wax reclaimed from our solar extractor, warming it in a bain marie to melting point then carefully pouring it into our expertly designed wax pot ( two baked bean tins welded together and set into two paint tins)...

Very soon our wax pot was ready for us to dip our pre-prepared wicks...

Then the real fun began.  A self organised group of bee keepers in a constant procession dipping wicks that gradually built up to be candles...

There was a rack for those who needed to pause and leave their candles to rest for a moment whilst they sampled a little mead and a mince pie or roll out a flaw between two sheets of glass...

There were no prizes for the biggest candle of the night...

Everyone had a prize candle to take home...