Saturday 3 August 2013

August: Work, work, busy, busy

There was a lot to do in the apiary today.  But working mostly in two's and three's we soldiered on and got through the list of jobs to do...

The last of the honey supers needed to come off for extracting....

We shook off all the bees and had a good look or signs of disease on all the brood frames.... clearly this queen is stupendously picky and wont lay in the cells touching supporting wire "W" in the frame...

We found an open queen cell and a queen with really hairy shoulders, which made us wonder if she was a newly hatching princes...

and we put patties of apiguard on all the hives to treat for varroa...

Apiguard doesn't smell very nice so quite a few bees stayed out playing with us for a while...



I guess they thought they ought to supervise the workers!